This is a listing for a Laser cut 1x1 Air Force emblem Leather/Pottery stamp.
Some images are from when I was using a Mill and are low resolution. I don't make them that way anymore. When I make your stamp
with a laser it will be improved. If the image is a drawing, then I
haven't made one yet.
What you are ordering here is a made to order stamp.
These stamps are cut with an industrial laser with a resolution of 0.1mm (0.004").
The stamp depth of cut is 0.120" deep so that the stamp block does not leave a mark on thick leather.
The stamp walls use a swept fillet to reinforce the walls.
stamp is tested in a 1-ton arbor press. I have yet to break one, and I
'lean' on it.
Before I started using a press I would test the stamp in cased
leather placed on concrete and wack it with a 1 lb ball-peen hammer
without leaving a dent or breaking any part of the stamp. A press gives
me more control than a hammer.
Besides, I'm not very accurate with a hammer.
Each stamp is 3" tall so that it can be used with a dead-blow
hammer, a mallet, or an arbor press.
stamp blank is faced on both ends with a CNC mill before it goes in the
laser so that the band saw tracks are removed from the ends and to make
it square.
The stamps are made from Delrin, a very strong acetyl homo-polymer commonly used in making gears.
For more information check out my web site for a paper I wrote on using
Delrin for leather stamps.
All stamps carry the Made in Montana USA logo laser etched into the side of the block.
Who is Vollkommen Enterprises LLC?
A Montana registered LLC
and a
Registered Member in the "The Made in Montana USA" Program which is
part of Office of Trade & International Relations in the Business
Resources Division the of the Montana Department of Commerce.
Surf my web site to get a better impression of me.
To ask a private question, click the "CONTACT US" link at the top and
email me. Otherwise use the "questions about this item" form.
If you wish to send me your artwork to see if it will work before ordering, attach it to an email using the contact us page.
What can I make for you?